Middle Gear, Generator, Starter and Pickup Coil
Middle Gear, Generator, Starter and Pickup CoilMIDDLE GEAR
1. Install:
• Bearing retainers 1
• TORX screws (New)
• Oil level maintaining plug
Bearing Retainer: 25 Nm (2.5 m-kg, 18 ft-lb)
2. Stake the screw heads to the dents on the bearing retainers with a center punch.
3. Install:
• Shims 1
• Middle driven gear housing 2
• Bolt
Middle Driven Gear Housing: 25 Nm (2.5 m-kg, 18 ft-lb). Use LOCTITE®
1. Install:
• Washer 1
• Shift shaft 2
• Shift lever3
• Oil level maintaining plug 4
• Gasket
2. Install:
• Crankcase cover
• Wire harness clip 1
• Bolts
Crankcase Cover: 12 Nm (1.2 m-kg, 8.4 ftlb)
1. Install:
• Rotor Use Rotor Holding Tool (90890-04043) 1 .
Rotor: 55 Nm (5.5 m-kg, 40 ft-lb)
2. Install the stator coil 1
Align the grooves on the stator coil core with the bolt holes on the crankcase.
• Gasket 2
• A.C.G. cover
A.C.G. Cover: 12 Nm (1.2 mkg, 8 .4 ft-lb)
3. Install:
• Starter motor
• Bolts
Starter Motor: 7 Nm (0.7m-kg, 5 .1 ft-lb)
• Be careful the O-ring 1 is not damaged when installing the starter motor.
• Route the A.C.G. lead wires 2 as shown.
1. Install:
• Pickup coil assembly
• Timing plate
NOTE: Align the locating pin on the crankshaft with the corresponding slot in the timing plate.
Pickup Bolt: 8 Nm (0.8 m-kg, 5.8 ft-lb)
Timing Plate: 24 Nm (2.4 m-kg, 17 ft-lb)