
Submitted by xjcdadmin on Wed, 05/19/2010 - 13:20

(Note: see previous section "Wheels" for removal of wheels)

B. Checking Brake Shoe Wear

1. Measure the outside diameter at the brake shoes with slide calipers.

Front brake shoe diameter 180 mm (7.09 in)
Replacement limit: 176 mm min. (6.93 in)

a. Measuring points

2. Remove any glazed areas from the brake shoes using coarse sand paper.

C.   Brake Drum

Oil or scratches on the inner surface or the brake drum will impair braking performance or result in abnormal noises.

Remove oil by wiping with a rag soaked in lacquer thinner or solvent.

Remove scratches by lightly and evenly polishing with emery cloth.

D.  Brake Shoe Plate

Remove the camshaft and grease. If the cam face is worn, replace.


Before removing the cam lever, put a match mark on the cam lever and camshaft to indicate their positions for easy assembly.

E.    Rear Axle Inspection

(See Front Wheel, Axle Inspection Procedure.)

F.    Replacing Wheel Bearings

Rear wheel bearing replacement is similar to the procedure for the front wheel.

G.   Rear Wheel Inspection

(See Front Wheel, Inspection Procedures)

H. Installing Rear Wheel

1.    Lightly grease lips of rear wheel oil seals.

2.    Install the wheel assembly and axle.


When installing the rear wheel, be sure the splines on the wheel hub fit into the final gear case. Lightly apply grease to the gear teeth.

Always use a new cotter pin on the axle nut.

Tightening torque:
Axle nut: 10.7 m-kg (77.4 ft-lb)
Axle pinch bolt: 0.6 m-kg (4.5 ft-lb)




Disc brake components rarely require disassembly. Do not disassemble components unless absolutely necessary. If any hydraulic connection in the system is opened, the entire system should be disassembled, drained, cleaned and then properly filled and bled upon reassembly. Do not use solvents on brake internal components. Solvents will cause seals to swell and distort. Use only clean brake fluid for cleaning. Use care with brake fluid. Brake fluid is injurious to eyes and will damage painted surfaces and plastic parts.



Caliper Pad Replacement

It is not necessary to disassembly the brake caliper and brake hose to replace the brake pads.

1. Remove the front fender and front wheel.

2. Unhook the pad retaining pin clip and remove the clip.

1. Pad retaining pin   2. Clip

3. Pull out the pad retaining pin.

4. Remove the pads.

Pad wear limit: 4.0 mm (0.16 in)

5. Install the new brake pads and shims. Before installing the pads, install the shim on the back plate which faces the caliper piston, as shown. Also replace the following parts if pad replacement is required.

a.   Pad spring

b.  Shim

c.   Pad retaining pin

d.  Clip


Replace the pads as a set if either is found to be worn to the wear limit.

1. Shim          2. Disc rotating direction