CMS Sensors Troubleshooting

CMS Sensors Troubleshooting
xjcdadmin Sun, 05/23/2010 - 22:34


*Main switch is ON.
*Engine running.

Disconnect the 3-P coupler on the side-stand side.

a.    When disconnected: "STND" monitor comes on

b.    When grounding G/L: "STND" monitor goes off.

Operates as specified in a. and b. 

•   Side-stand switch is faulty.
•   Black lead is broken.


Measure voltage between G/L and B on harness side.
Less than 12V
Disconnect the G/L lead from the 9-P coupler (on the monitor side) in the headlight body, and ground it.
•   Green/blue lead is broken.
Does not operate

•   CMS is faulty. 
•   LCD is faulty.
•   Connector is faulty.

NOTE: If the side stand monitor comes on with the main switch turned on, CMS is faulty.



*Main switch is ON. 
*Engine running

Disconnect the connector of white/black lead 
(adjacent to the brake master cylinder) in the headlight body. 


Ground the W/B female connector with a jumper wire


•   Brake level sender is faulty.
•   Black lead is faulty.


Does not operate



Disconnect the W/B lead of the 9-P coupler (on the monitor side) in the headlight body, and ground it.


•   White/Black lead is broken.

Does not operate

•   CMS is faulty.
•   LCD is faulty.
•   Connector is faulty.


NOTE: If the "BRK" monitor comes on with the main switch turned on, CMS is faulty.






*Main switch is ON.
*Engine running

Disconnect the connector adjacent to the oil level sensor located under the crankcase.

a.   When disconnected: Oil monitor comes on.
b.   When B/R lead js grounded: Oil monitor goes off.

Operates as specified in a. and b.
•   Engine oil level sender is faulty.

Note: When installing the engine oil level sender, be sure to use a hand wrench to tighten the bolt. If it is tightened by using a compressed air driven tool, sender malfunctions may occur.

Does not operate
Disconnect the B/ R lead of the 9-P coupler (on the monitor side) in the headlight body, and ground it.
•   Black/red lead is broken.
Does not operate

•   CMS is faulty.
•   LCD is faulty.
•   Connector is faulty.

NOTE: If the oil level monitor comes on with the main switch turned on, CMS is faulty.




*Main switch is ON.
*Engine running.

Disconnect the connector adjacent to the battery sensor.

a.    When disconnected: "BATT" monitor comes on.

b.    When 12V is applied to the wire harness side of W/R lead: "BATT" monitor goes off.

Operates as specified in a. and b.
• Battery fluid level sender is faulty.

NOTE: Polish the battery sender terminals with sandpaper, check the sender again.

Does not operate

Disconnect the 2-P connector of the main switch in the headlight body.

a.    When disconnected: "BATT" monitor comes on.

b.    When 12V is applied to the wire harness side of W/R lead: "BATT" monitor off.

Operate as specified in a. and b.

•   Main switch is faulty.
•   White/Red lead is broken. (Sensor to main switch)


Does not operate

Disconnect the W/R lead of the 9-P coupler (on the monitor side) in the headlight body.

a.    When disconnected: "BATT" monitor comes on.

b.   When 12V is applied to the monitor side of W/R lead: "BATT" monitor goes off.


Operates as specified in a. and b.
• White/Red lead is broken. (Main switch to 9-P coupler)
Does not operate
•   CMS is faulty.



'Fuel tank is full.

*Main switch is ON. 
*Engine running

Disconnect the 3-P coupler on the fuel tank side.

a.    When disconnected: Fuel monitor comes on but the display of the remaining amount of fuel goes off.

b.   When green/white lead is grounded: The remaining amount (4 blocks) of fuel is displayed, but the fuel monitor goes off.

Operates as specified in a. and b.

•   Fuel level sender is faulty.
•   Black lead is broken.


Does not operate

Disconnect the G/W lead at the 9-P coupler (on the monitor side) in the headlight body, and ground it.

•   Green/White lead is broken.
Does not operate

•   CMS is faulty.
•   LCD is faulty.
•   Connector is faulty.


NOTE: If both monitor and blocks are displayed with the main switch turned on, CMS is faulty.