Ignition Timing Check

Ignition Timing Check
xjcdadmin Mon, 06/07/2010 - 22:56



1. Check: • Ignition timing

Ignition timing check steps:

• Remove the cover.

• Connect Timing Light (90890-03109) (1) to No. 1 cylinder spark plug lead.

•Warm up the engine and let it idle at the specified idle speed of 1,050 ± 50 r/min.

• Visually check the stationary pointer in the timing window to verify it is within the required firing range indicated on the flywheel.

Incorrect firing - Check timing plate and/or pickup assembly (tightness damage). Refer to CHAPTER 7, "ELECTRICAL" for further information.

(1) TDC for No. 1 cylinder

(2) Firing range for the No. 1 cylinder

1. Check:

• Ignition timing

Ignition timing check steps:

•  Remove the cover.

•  Connect the Timing Light (YU-08037) (1) to No. 1 cylinder spark plug lead.

•  Warm up the engine and let it idle at the specified idle speed of 1.050 ± 50 r/min.

•  Visually check the upper pickup coil mark (T) is within the firing range (2) indicated on timing plate.

Incorrect firing — Check timing plate and/or pickup assembly (tightness damage)

Refer to CHARTER 6. "ELECTRICAL" for further information.